Horsemanship Question & Answers

Prepared by Isabel Hall & Ada Rohan


1. What should the diameter of your lunging circle be?
60 ft

2.What are the three main components to a horse’s diet? Water, roughage, and salt

3.What percentage of the horse’s diet should roughage be?


4. What are the 6 essential nutrients? Water, carbohydrates, proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals

5. What is the range for body condition scoring and what is the ideal score and how is it classified? 1-9, 9 being obese. Ideal is 5- ribs can be felt not seen 

6. What are the 4 key angles when riding? Heel, knee, elbow, hip


7. Does lateral refer to the inside or the outside of a limb? Outside 

8. How many pairs of ribs does a horse have? 18 3.

9. How often should a stable bandage be reset?  Every twelve hours. 


10. What are the footfalls of the left lead canter? Right hind, left hind and right front, left front

11. What’s a bascule? The natural arch of a horse’s jump.

12. What system does Heaves/COPD affect?  Respiratory


13. What is the respiratory disease that causes swelling of the lymph nodes around the head and neck? Strangles

14. What are 3 factors of bit severity? Direct pressure, leverage, mouthpiece thickness, mouthpiece surface, axillary equipment

15. What is the syndrome that exhibits a muscle cramp/spasm and is due to overexertion? Tying Up

16. What does EPM stand for? Equine Protozoal Myelitis


17. What does the horse’s hoof correspond to on a human? Last digit of middle finger

18. What two angles should match (relating to shoeing)? Angle of hoof wall and pastern

 19. Weaving, pacing, stall kicking, and cribbing are all examples of what? Stable vices


20. What is the breakover? Between when the heel leaves the ground and the toe leaves the ground

21. How much water does a horse drink a day? 12 gallons

22. What should the temperature be of a normal horse?  99 to 101